About this site

Louche Leaves is an independent publication launched in April 2024 by Denise Choppin. Published irregularly, it is a journal of thoughts, stories, ideas and recollections.

louche \louche\ adj.
of questionable taste, decency, or morality; disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way: as, a louche nightclub; a louche painting.

Why Louche?
When describing a lexicographer, Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) opined that a writer of dictionaries was “a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original and detailing the signification of words”. Oh, Mr. Johnson, despite your erudition, you must not have savoured many of the exquisite joys of etymology. I love

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Everything written requires a reader to make it whole. The writer begins, then you, dear reader, take in the idea and its image, and so become the continuation of its breath. Please subscribe so that my words can breathe. Consider this my hand, reaching out to yours.

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About Denise

Denise Choppin, author.

About me?

To start, I am part of an invisible demographic. Female, elderly (a crone), white, North American. Yet, despite my demographic handicap, I still have things to say.

I love books, reading, quirky history, words, family history, and odd bits and pieces of science.

As Alex Trebek, the late, former host of the erudite quiz show "Jeopardy" put it:

"I'm curious about everything. Even things that don't interest me".

I can't imagine a better way to describe my interests and to explain why my writing, like a demented hummingbird, flits from topic to topic.

More (likely much more) to come.

Thank you for visiting my world.
